A gesture for Me and one for the Environment, this is the name of the artistic contest active since last September 15th and implemented as part of the European project LIFE SAFEGUARD of which CAUTO is the implementing body.
The invitation to document - with an image or video - i own gestures of sustainability. Choose a sustainable means of transport such as the bicycle to move, prefer plastic free products, engage in creative recycling or conscious purchases: "Small" daily actions that have a "big" ecological footprint in favor of the environment in which we live!
All user contributions posted on Instagram with hashtags #ungestforlambiente #lifesalvuardia they will enrich the gallery of the project becoming "footprints" of awareness and inspiration for those who see them.
If you are curious to know more and want to leave your contribution, visit the dedicated page on our platform and find out how to participate!
A jury will award the four most "original" contributions and the winners will benefit from a shopping experience dedicated to them in the thrift shops of CAUTO network of second-hand shops Spigo and Spigolandia.
The digital initiative is part of the actions designed to spread one environmental culture able to translate into sustainable choices and actions of concrete safeguard by all. As we have told you in recent months, LIFE SAFEGUARD is the project financed by the European LIFE program which translates into a awareness campaign and reduction of environmental impact for the benefit of Garda area: a fragile ecosystem to be preserved and protected. The project gives life to an environmental empowerment campaign that involves all the main players in the Garda area, called upon to implement concrete actions times a mitigate the effects of climate change.
You are Garda: from micro to macro every contribution is precious for the protection of the territory!