The Life SalvaGuARDiA project, in collaboration with theLacus Cultural Association and with the Library system of the North-East of Brescia, inaugurates the first stage of the traveling exhibition Direction Agenda 2030 which over the next few months will be able to be visited in various libraries on Lake Garda.
The proposal is part of the calendar of initiatives dedicated to citizenship and connected to the European project, with the aim of raising awareness of those issues of concrete environmental protection.
From the 14 to 31 October the exhibition, curated by Luigi Del Prete, President of Lacus, and composed of 17 panels, as many as the GOAL of the United Nations Agenda, will be hosted in the library of San Felice del Benaco. At the same time, meetings will also be organized in the library that will see the presence of experts on the subject.
Starting from the presence of the exhibition in its libraries, the library system will then broaden the proposal, organizing a series of initiatives aimed above all at the youngest.
Over the course of the year it will reflect and dialogue with children and young people, on the need to trigger changes in their lifestyles and of consumption in support of one Sustainable Development and inclusive for everyone: for the people and the environment they live in.
The exhibition Direction Agenda 2030, after San Felice del Benaco, it will stop at the Padenghe library from 7 to 19 November.
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