Online the digital service that allows you to connect in a logic of mutuality, supply and demand of food products, goods and services for the benefit of the most fragile.
In December 2022 on the platform of the European project Life SAFEGUARD lands the Widespread Warehouse a new digital service to bring the demand and supply of goods and services closer together, making the work of the Third Sector bodies more effective in the Lake Garda area assisting people in situations of fragility.
A service created by CAUTO and managed byMAREMOSSO Volunteer Association, beneficiary of funding from the Lombardy Region. The Widespread Warehouse project continues, optimizing, what was already experimented in 2021 through the previous "Social Dispensation, Network actions for the enhancement of food resources".
More generally, the Magazzino Diffuso project aims to implement asynergistic action able to deal more effectively with new scenarios of economic emergency, stimulating the emergence of networks places of mutuality and solidarity, according to a economic sharing modely. The active partners in the project are Karuna APS Association; Volunteer Association of San Felice del Benaco; Mamré Foundation.
The Widespread Warehouse will be primarily a digital "system", through which Associations they Third sector entities and the Garda companies they will be able to exchange various types of goods and servicesthe. In this way it will be possible to optimize the meeting between supply and demand and avoid useless waste of products, generating positive synergies and reciprocal collaborations between local players, to the benefit of people and the environment.
The goods and services exchanged by companies and donor bodies are of a different nature; We will start with some categories including:
- food products and food surpluses,
- furniture,
- clothing and accessories,
- car sharing and shared mobility services,
- sharing physical spaces,
- sharing of time and skills
The birth of the Magazzino Diffuso was an opportunity to strengthen and create a real territorial network in which various realities participate including: Garda Sociale Consortium Special Company; CAUTO Social Cooperative; Auser Volunteering Acquachiara of Bedizzole; Municipality of Toscolano Maderno; Blessed Don Giuseppe Baldo Friends Association; LACU.S Association and All In-sieme Odv.
Entering the Widespread Warehouse online will be possible on the one hand for companies donate what you have, on the other for the Associations, collect what has been shared based on what you need.
The coordination activity between the final beneficiaries of the goods found and donated will be the responsibility of theAssociation ROUGH SEA. In addition, real "routes" will connect the Social Dispensation of MAREMOSSO to the various Lake Garda Municipalities.
The project also includes training activities: appointments open to citizens, with the aim of allowing participants to learn how to use the digital tools present on the platform and then activate a group of volunteers able to provide digital volunteering, remotely, in support of the activities of the Widespread Warehouse and of the Associations participating in the project.