Lungolago C. Battisti 17, Desenzano
Park Hotel participates in the Life SALVAGuARDiA project through participation in R!GENERA HOTEL, the innovative process of reducing the environmental impact which puts in place actions to reduce the waste of materials, water, energy and food in the participating accommodation facilities.
Park Hotel is a historic hotel – welcoming guests since 1879 – located in the historic center of Desenzano, right on the lakefront. Aware of the fact that tourism in its most virtuous form should be an opportunity to enhance the environmental and cultural heritage of a territory, we have chosen to participate in the Rigenera Hotel Project in order to structure a positioning of our Hotel in a logic of integrated sustainability . Already attentive to respect for the environment in our daily operations, we wanted to set out on a path that would allow us to expand our sustainable practices. We believe that the search for sustainability, both through macro interventions and through small daily practices, is a path not only of environmental protection but also of economics: the tourist first chooses the place - the where - and then chooses which structure to stay in and, case of Lake Garda, the beauty and quality of the natural, urban and social landscape of a virtuous community have and will increasingly have a decisive strategic weight in the tourist's choice.
The project is carried out with the contribution of the European Commission (Total project budget 500.000 - EU contribution 300.000)
and with the contribution of the Cariplo Foundation
The project is carried out with the contribution of the European Commission (Total project budget 500.000 - EU contribution 300.000) and with the contribution of the Cariplo Foundation