Piazza Paolo VI, 29, 25121 Brescia BS
Province of Brescia joined the Commitee Life Safeguard, helping the dissemination of project objectives.
There Province of Brescia is a territorial body endowed with statutory, regulatory, administrative and financial autonomy, according to the principles established by the Constitution. It represents the territory and the local communities that are part of it looking after their interests and promoting their development.
The Province inspires its organization and activities on the principles of impartiality, good performance, transparency and simplification.
The Province ensures relations with the other institutions of the Republic, with the European institutions and with the local autonomies of the member countries according to the principle of loyal collaboration.
The project is carried out with the contribution of the European Commission (Total project budget 500.000 - EU contribution 300.000)
and with the contribution of the Cariplo Foundation
The project is carried out with the contribution of the European Commission (Total project budget 500.000 - EU contribution 300.000) and with the contribution of the Cariplo Foundation