educational paths
Schools training
There school, as a place of knowledge and sharing, is the main cradle of innovative ideas and of visions about the future; for these reasons it could only be one of the main protagonists of the LIFE SALVAGuARDiA project!
Starting from the 2021/22 school year and until 30 November 2023, are activated different Educational Paths aimed at Comprehensive Institutes and Higher Educational Institutes of the area, led by environmental educators of the CAUTO Social Cooperative until places are exhausted.
The paths are centered on insights mainly concerning environmental issues related to the Garda area.
The aim is to develop in students curiosity, awareness, critical thinking, but also a positive and proactive approach, aimed at finding creative solutions.
How we work?
The methodology used is interactive, multidisciplinary and dynamic, preparatory to moments of sharing, participation and action by students. In particular, the educational approach is inspired by the constructivist vision which considers learning as a subjective construction of meanings on the basis of formal (school-given), non-formal (extra-curricular) and informal (implicit learning) experiences.
Participating is easy!
Sign up and follow the directions.
Your school will become part of the LIFE SALVAGuARDiA network and you will be able to share your work with others, helping to raise awareness on sustainability issues and receiving the LIFE SALVAGuARDiA brand as a project Ambassador!
Life SalvaGuARDiA, for the purposes of the necessary territorial monitoring, needs 3 minutes of your time to measure the effectiveness of the actions promoted through the answers you will send us by completing a simple questionnaire
Paths for schools
Waste 0
TARGET: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Primary School

Purpose of the path
Spreading the culture of environmental sustainability through a training course to discover waste, its peculiarities and its possible uses. Educating the new generations to ecological thinking by promoting a fruitful connection between school and family.
I begin with me, the refusal that is not there
TARGET: 4th and 5th Primary School

Purpose of the path
Educating to respect for the environment and health starting from one's daily actions.
Transmitting interest in a healthy lifestyle by involving teachers, parents and grandparents in virtuous choices that bring benefits to ourselves and the planet.
Alt CO2
TARGET: 4th, 5th Primary + 1st grade secondary school

Purpose of the path
Spreading the culture of environmental sustainability through an active citizenship training course. Promote awareness of everyone's co-responsibility in protecting the environment and affect individual behaviors making them more sustainable for a good quality of life and air.
SOS Biodiversity
TARGET: All Primary + 1st grade secondary classes

Purpose of the path
The centrality of the role played by Biodiversity in the balance mechanisms of our planet will be illustrated: it is the expression of innumerable relationships between species, thus enriching life, as opposed to extinction, impoverishment and homologation.
The innumerable areas of naturalistic interest present on the territory of the Brescia side of Lake Garda will be reported, therefore the precious biodiversity that lives there. We will also provide useful tools for the recognition and enhancement of local fauna and flora.
In the same way, the possible threats that could limit and hinder the development of this biodiversity will also be presented.
100% Water
TARGET: All Primary + 1st grade secondary classes

Purpose of the path
TARGET: All 1st grade secondary classes

Purpose of the path
Make students aware of the damage done by humans to the surrounding environment, with a central focus on climate change and global warming. The causes and consequences of this phenomenon will be investigated, both on a global and local scale, by analyzing and observing the damage that is unfortunately already tangible also on our territory.
We therefore imagine a new way of acting on a daily basis through concrete and feasible practices by each of us, in order to lighten our impact on the planet and make the territory more usable and healthy, with a view to active and co-participated sustainability. .
Make goals for the environment - primary schools
TARGET: All Primary classes
NB For this course it is necessary to register at least 5 classes per school

In one day, or several days, stands will be set up at the school in several places (garden, gym, porch, atrium) recalling the moment of play and party, but rich in contents and didactic purposes.
Why the game?
Turning to schools we cannot overlook the fundamental fact that play is the daily "work" of every child, an indispensable element for socialization, but also for learning. The game, if it is well addressed, offers the child concrete and direct experiences within his own environment and context of life.
Why the party?
The term party immediately evokes in our imagination a pleasant, relaxed moment of joy and fun with the characteristic of exceptionality and is inserted in the memories as a pleasant moment.
Exceptionality, in the pedagogical field, has positive feedback as a temporary form of education due to the attractive and captivating aspect of the event, touching every sphere of the person (motor, affective, social, cognitive), promoting growth and pupil development.
Starting from these assumptions, Fai Goals per l'Ambiente interprets the party as a "tool" with a strong educational value because it is able to transmit messages and consolidate teachings.
Paths for Superiors
TARGET: All high school classes

The educational path is divided into two phases:
- Knowledge and in-depth study of the chosen topic, through the intervention of a CAUTO teacher / expert in the environmental education sector.
- Creation of an output chosen from:
- simplified version (2 hours per class)
- PCTO version (hourly commitment varying from 6 to 8 hours, depending on the co-design). The classes, during the realization of the PCTOs, will be coordinated and accompanied in every phase of the work by the CAUTO expert.
The proposed routes are:
1. Climate change
2. Food, from waste to resource
3. Sustainable lifestyles
Project Work
I percorsi didattici realizzati all’interno delle classi degli istituti superiori si sono articolati in una prima fase di conoscenza e approfondimento della tematica scelta, attraverso l’intervento di un docente/esperto del settore di educazione ambientale CAUTO, e una seconda fase di realizzazione di un output liberamente scelto dagli studenti.
I temi approfonditi:
Climate change
Verranno indagate le cause e le conseguenze del Climate Change, sia su scala globale che locale. L’excursus sulla storia dei cambiamenti climatici e sulle soluzioni messe in campo dai nostri antenati per reagire, sarà l’occasione per ragionare sulle alternative a nostra disposizione per arrestare il cambiamento.
Food, from waste to resource
Lo spreco alimentare come perdita di risorse indispensabili, causa di inquinamento e rilascio di gas serra. Approfondiremo la normativa italiana contro gli sprechi alimentari (Legge Gadda 166/2016) che permette la valorizzazione delle eccedenze alimentari e degli “invenduti” con l’esempio della DISPENSA SOCIALE DIFFUSA e MAGAZZINO VIRTUALE di Rete CAUTO.
Sustainable lifestyles
L’economia circolare e i pilastri della sostenibilità integrata. Stili di vita e di consumo a confronto e loro impatto ambientale. Focus sul territorio del Lago di Garda: un’area fragile minacciata da attività antropiche in forte espansione tra cui la pressione turistica, l’aumento della popolazione e lo sviluppo di attività ad alto impatto ambientale.